Friday, June 23, 2023

1970 GMC 2500 Sierra Grande

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Is This the End?!

As has been discussed many other places, Google has announced that "Album Archive" is no longer going to available starting Jul 19/2023. Specifically:

So what exactly does this mean? Google could have been a lot clearer in their message and pages they link to. But I have some guesses. Specifically “However, some content that’s only available in Album Archive will be deleted starting July 19...”. I think that if the “content”, in my case all those pictures on this blog, is only accessible via “Album Archive”, it will go away. But mine is not. All my content is accessible from Blogger/BlogSpot. So it should still be around July 20th.

BUT Google may not see it that way. They could have clearly stated “Your Blogger pictures are/aren’t going to be deleted”. But they did not. We are left in confusion, and I think that’s on purpose.

I think they find hosting pictures for free an annoyance and they are trying to scare people off their platform. Some percentage will leave, and they will use some other tactic to get rid of some more later. They don’t want to look like the bad guy and simply shut Blogger down because it doesn’t make money, or doesn’t make enough money. I'm not worried about losing my "content" because I keep a backup of the posted pictures, plus the unedited originals. I'm old school that way.

I will have a look at my blog on July 20th. If it’s full of broken picture links, well them’s the breaks. I’ll just shut it down. If that’s the case I want to take a moment to thank everyone for popping in to look at what I’ve posted. It’s been fun and interesting for me.

I have scheduled some posts between now and then, and they will continue as normal. Here’s hoping for the best.

Friday, June 9, 2023

1984 Honda Civic GL Sedan