Sunday, May 3, 2015

1986 Pontiac Grand Am

It is hard for me to be objective about this car. I owned an '85 for a few years, and loved/hated it.

This was an OK effort by GM. No extreme overhangs, the formal but more aerodynamic roofline that was so current, the size was right for it's time, the potent looks. The line of the hood and trunk are higher than the base of the windows, which makes for either an odd discontinuity or a mild innovation . The velour-ish seats are kind of tacky, the silver body cladding is a bad idea that they kept using way too long (and it creates moire in the shots). The chrome grille, clearly imitating BMW, matches the sporty intent. You may not be able to see the very slightest bit of a rear spoiler built into the trunk lid.

I prefer the two door I had -- the longer door with its broader window and non-opening "opera" window looks sleeker.

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