Monday, May 25, 2015

1983 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Brougham

This car is not what you think of when you think "Cutlass".

This strange mule is just the sort of hidden classic that should be celebrated:
- The clever little vent window in the rear door, to make up for the fact that the larger window does not roll down.
- the odd collision of style -- a front end looking like a full sized Olds, the backend still looking like a Cutlass.
- the long rear overhang, which still looks small because the front looks full sized.
- the small looking wheels, tires and exterior mirrors.
- the pillow like seats trying to communicate luxury.

Yet the formal roof line is not awful, and they tried to add some class with the accent lights on the "C" pillars. And the shut line of the rear door blends into the fender bulge.

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