Friday, May 15, 2015

1949 (?) Chevrolet/GMC Tow Truck + 1971 Dodge Demon 340 + Ford Model A?

On a bright sunny day I found these cars while wandering down a back alley. I went around front and knocked on the door of the house. The woman who answered was slightly annoyed. Apparently I was at the wrong house, and these cars were perhaps a sore point for her. I beat a hasty retreat next door, where the owner was not home. So now I am left guessing...

The Model "A" is just barely recognizable, and does not really qualify as a car. Amusing that one of the items holding it off the ground is a coffee machine.

Love the improvised bumper on the truck, which at some point might have been blue, and the bulbous fenders & hood.

The Dodge looks like a sleek spaceship when in the company of these others. Would have loved to get a shot of the eight (!) tailight lenses and four reverse light lenses. Love the dual ridges in the hood, the nicely faded paint, the continuous shape of the side windows, the dynamic "C" pillar.

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