Wednesday, April 1, 2015

2017 Cadillac Eldorado

If you have been following this blog, you'll know that new car announcements are not something that would normally appear here. However, with the latest leak from GM, a post was absolutely necessary. It appears that Cadillac is reviving the Eldorado name, in the form of -- you guessed it -- a two door coupe.

And not just the name is being revived. In A WORLD WIDE SCOOP a reliable but anonymous source has supplied this blog with exciting information. Casual examination of the image supplied will reward you, gentle reader with another amazing bit of news. Cadillac is going back to the FUTURE!

I present to you the first Cadillac with fins since... oh wait, the current Cadillac SRX has tail fins.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about this car. My source gave me some technical details too. Cadillac, as you know, is way ahead of the pack on environmentally friendly cars. This time though, they've gone all out! Beginning in the fall of 2016 you will be able to buy a deluxe luxury vehicle propelled entirely by compressed air.

But you must be wondering where all this compressed air energy will come from. Well it seems there is an almost limitless supply naturally occurring within our midst. Filling stations will be built as annexes to houses of Parliament, Congress', Dumas, Bundestags, presidential palaces, royal palaces, as well various national and local Senates, Assemblies, and city and town halls. No range anxiety for these babies!

I cannot reveal my source (Edward Snowden) so please don't ask!

1 comment :

  1. WARNING: The above post contains elements of satire, sarcasm and wit. If symptoms continue more than 24 hours, please discontinue use and see a physician.
