Saturday, February 28, 2015

1990 Toyota HiAce Super Custom

JDM vans are somewhat common in Vancouver, however I've only seen few of these Toyotas.

Love the sloping, aerodynamic shape of the front door windows, and the interesting shut lines. Plus the extended step in front of the front wheel, and all those seemingly random sunroofs.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

1989 Dodge Power Ram

Another victim of damp dark weather. The tags are current, the tires are fine, so this probably a driver, despite the moss.

The black frames around the lights give it a menacing look, along with the dents and dark colour.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass

Not sure if it is uneven paint or uneven dirt that makes the left fenders so much lighter in colour. But the tires seem perfectly clean. Love the script used for the badge, and the way the rust/mould has surrounded and obscured it. Plus that profile -- very sporty for what amounts to a mid-sized, mid priced sedan.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

1979 Chevrolet Corvette + 1973 Ford Ranger Super Camper Special

As promised, the other two vehicles of interest visible in the background of the previous post. All in all a remarkable find.

The Corvette looks great, its just that it tries too hard. Earlier generations of the 'Vette never needed front and rear spoilers to look amazing. This is more like marketing than engineering. Of the three, this vehicle seems closest to roadworthy.

Love the Ford's cockeyed headlight, oddly wide rear tires, earnest look, plus the all important fuzzy dice. And how can you not like a vehicle that calls itself "super". There will be more super vehicles here.

Once again, working in a cramped space, so profile shots are nearly impossible. Also I ran up against the 200 character tag limit on this post.

Friday, February 20, 2015

1976 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz

Cadillac has had such fine examples of excess, repeated in endless variation. The condition of this car only heightens its monstrosity. Such amazing trim pieces above and beyond what one would find on it's less gaudy but still impressive Cadillac siblings. I particularly enjoy the third picture for its crazed look. Although the Cadillac insignia is everywhere, the most prominent marking is "E L D O R A D O".

Sadly, due to cramped conditions no profile shot was possible.

Photographing the main attraction inevitably got other interesting cars into the background. These will be in the next post.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

1967 Dodge Tradesman Van (A108)

Another silent witness to the past, glowing against a dull rainy day. So glad it can have a new life.
Love the way the owner has exaggerated the front features with black paint. And then there's the "Y", of course.

I think it's a A108 -- looks long enough.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

1986 GMC Sierra Classic Camper Special

Despite the moss and damp and damage, this truck is still useful. The dents and debris just give it added texture. Missing hubcaps on the passenger side suggest close contact with curbs. Found in the same neighbourhood as this car.