Wednesday, February 11, 2015

1976 Buick Skyhawk

I always liked the Chevy Monza/Pontiac Sunbird/Buick Skyhawk/Oldsmobile Starfire of this era, though I think the execution is somehow more awkward/ugly in the Skyhawk. Which makes it all the more interesting. Why is it less satisfying? It is something about the headlights, and the way they placed the turn indicators directly beneath. Sort of like buck teeth. Or maybe it's the grille. It looks cheap, ugly. A Buick should have something more elegant.

That broad aluminum B-pillar is pretty good though. And the overall outline and fastback is great, belying it's economy car nature. No one would mistake this car for a Vega, though that is basically what it is. With a V6 it was probably pretty quick, and undoubtedly more reliable.

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