Saturday, November 29, 2014

1991 Dodge Spirit

It seems hard to take pictures in the snow that don't end up seeming too blue.

Friday, November 28, 2014

1991 Subaru Legacy

Not sure if this car is still there. The main interest for me is the patina and the little jump in the beltline at the C pillar. Nice door handles too.

Someone obviously still cares about it, but it may be in the impound yard by now. Lots and lots of glass -- must be great visibility out of this car.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

1982 Mercedes Benz 407D Firetruck

Friday, November 21, 2014

1983 Chevrolet Chevette Scooter

Many years ago I had the misfortune to drive something similar to this as a service loaner for way too long. It looks a lot like this car.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

1968 Jaguar E-Type

This ghost Jag appeared out of nowhere and disappeared just as quickly. I saw it one afternoon, took these few shots with my phone, and it was gone an hour or two later.

Wheels and tires look brand new. Orange sticker says "IMPORTANT: TO BE REMOVED ONLY BY FINAL CONSUMER"

Monday, November 17, 2014

1982 Honda Civic Hatchback

This seems to be a project car. It has been sitting in this alley for at least two summers. There was a sibling, an older Civic "Wag-O-Van" in the garage, which seems to have departed. Love the patina, the moss, but most of all the honesty of the car. No pretensions, just honest, straightforward transportation. Many had problems with Civics of this generation, but this one seems in excellent shape.

UPDATE Mar 30/2015: Spoke with the owner and discovered I had the year wrong.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

1967 Chevy II / Nova

A great car I noticed some time ago in the "Kits" neighbourhood. For me it's as much about nostagia as it is about the appearance. As a kid I remember a neighbour driving a light brown version of this car. It was considered a conservative, reasonable vehicle, nice without being too flashy, rather like my neighbour.

Love the wheels on this example, as well as the mirrors. The "eyelids" echo the looks of full size Chevs of a decade earlier.

Just noticed the shut lines on the doors. Well designed originally, well restored now.

1971 International Harvester Firetruck

I see this truck parked on a busy road out the west side once in a while. Has signs posted on it advertising a realtor. Love the golden stripes, the lights, that almost blank front, the brutal wheels, the dainty yellow and white.